Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Student Narratives and... We're on YouTube!

Please see Janet for the 2-page packet that is your self-narrative. Fill it out and return to me or my mailbox in the hallway.

I'm typing this in the common room as we watch the election results come in...........!!!............

I really enjoyed our trip to Portland today, walking around with Katie & Dina of the League of Young Voters. The videos we took with them are online - click here!

I've also really enjoyed this class. Thanks for making it what's it been!
peace and fair elections,

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Top Hits of the YouTube Election


Letter to the Editor

When you've finished your letter to the editor, please give me copy and we will email it to the Portland Press Herald.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

We met Chellie Pingree and Charlie Summers!

Coming soon..... our picture with Charlie Summers.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Assignment for Monday, 10/27

On Friday you will watch the 50-minute film, "Unprecedented." Unprecedented: The 2000 Presidential Election is the riveting story about the battle for the presidency in Florida and the undermining of democracy in America. Filmmakers Richard Ray Perez and Joan Sekler examine modern America’s most controversial political contest: the 2000 election of George W. Bush. What emerges is a disturbing picture of an election marred by suspicious irregularities, electoral injustices, and sinister voter purges in a state governed by the winning candidate’s brother. (from amazon.com)

Please write a blog post that reflects your reaction to this film and the events of the 2000 election that it reveals. Focus on answering these questions: Can this happen again? Has anything been done to prevent this from happening again?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Assignment for Friday

Two things to do for Friday, plus an extra credit opportunity.

1) Come up with 2-3 questions for our trip to the Susan Collins/John McCain campaign headquarters in Portland. This visit will be similar to our visit to the K'Bunk Democrats office, and ideally, you will have a chance to ask at least one of your questions of the staffers in the Collins/McCain office.

2) You have now watched all three debates between McCain and Obama. Thinking of yourself as a potential voter, which of these debates was the most informative? The most interesting to watch? The most difficult to sit through? Which debate, in your opinion, offered voters the most accurate portrayal of the two major candidates? (BLOG)
Third debate on NYTimes

3) EXTRA CREDIT: Read the article "The Kitchen Sink Debate" and comment on it. Do you agree with Andrew Romano's assessment of the last debate? (BLOG)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Assignment for Tuesday

1. Re: our visit to the Democrats of the Kennebunks campaign office today, create a blog post which includes
a) the question(s) you asked
b) the answer(s) you received
c) your reaction to this information..... did it make you surprised, unimpressed, smarter, or...? Why?

2. If you have not already, read the article from last Friday's Boston Globe and answer the three questions on the handout. Read the article here.